• Win the crowd with your personality

    A gym is where you go to build your body. 

    Glibzter is akin to a digital gym with tools, assessments and interventions to shape your personality and build your Self-Image. 
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What is Self-Image?

We see Self Image as a synergy of your ‘Visual Image’ – How you appear and conduct yourself and your ‘Vocal Image’ – What you communicate and how you sound.

Assess Your Self Image

Our Current Offerings

Glibzter Immersive

The most immersive way to improve your communication skills in English by:

  • Expanding your English vocabulary while watching online videos with English subtitles and reading online articles.
  • Remembering the contextual usage of words and phrases
  • Quantifying your Word Power

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Glibzter Immersive | Learn English from subtitles of movies and TV shows

Glibzter WOW

This is a service offering in the form of:

  • 1:1 Image Consulting for building a capsule wardrobe and recommendations for clothing, accessories and grooming products.

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Glibzter WOW Etiquette Body Language Training
Glibzter WOW Image Consultancy

We will be working on introducing more interesting, engaging and innovative product and service offerings in the near future with the objective of helping you in your journey of self-improvement.

GlibTalks: Here's what we are writing about

Glibzter in the News